Food and restaurant news

News about our clients:

Red O Santa Monica: The restaurant is offering a wine tasting deal during September for California Wine Month. Choose two three-ounce pours from a number of selected wines for $12. 

Shhh. Is it too soon to mention? Well, toddrickallen did, so I guess we can, too. Mr. Shambra, who worked for CPK prior to starting his firm, was selected by Mr. Flax and Mr. Rosenfield for design services and equipment for their upcoming resto, Bottlefish. No news to provide yet, but look for more details (and photos) soon!

In other news:

Would you try vegetable ice cream?

Chefs discuss the future of dining in LA. Fine dining and minimum wage seem to be trending topics, along with "chef-driven" and "quick-casual."

Get your own personal sommelier, and wine at your door. 

You need this National Food & Event Calendar! Get a comprehensive calendar of every known national food day! Plan your next meal or party! Today, September 15, for example, you could serve creme de menthe, a double cheeseburger, and linguini and celebrate all three foods at once. Mr. Shambra's birthday, you ask? Well, looks like the appropriate thing to serve is apple betty, whatever that is